Some AHA shifts we HELP with [among other things]
Web2: YOU mark your target groups as YOUR customers / Leads.
Web3: YOU name them as community members!
Web2: BUILD a deep relation with niche journalists.
Web3: BUILD a deepest relation with niche journalists!!!
Web2: Target groups is probably B2C, B2B, B2G.
Web3: If YOU create brand communication for the decentralized project you will also talk to B2D (to developers).
Web2: Usually, YOU do not explain to an audience how the product WORKS, but what IT DOES.
Web3: SURE, but you have to explain how it WORKS as well to your community.
Web2: YOU build the brand communication around Founder, CEO…
Web3: YOU work with community (even anonymous community) DAO which performs as a group.
Web2: YOU mostly spent money on digital marketing campaigns.
Web3: EITHER, but the communities love to engage personally.